Chili and Cornbread

Mike’s cousins, Scott and Alissa, were up visiting from Kentucky this weekend, and we had them over for dinner on Saturday night. Since a bunch of us were getting together to play games later that night, I decided to make something fairly simple and stress-free: chili and cornbread. Unfortunately, once again I was so concerned with the food turning out well that I forgot to take any pictures other than the above two. The chili is a semi-spicy turkey chili recipe from Ellen, my (and Katie’s) cooking mentor from back in Canonsburg. It’s a little bit different – with ground turkey, a spicy chipotle kick, and corn and black beans added to it, and I really like it.

The cornbread recipe is a new one from Apples of Gold and I was really happy with how it turned out. It’s nice and thick and sweet. It’s not exactly healthy, which is why I waited until we had company over to make it, but it definitely tastes good. Although I love Jiffy cornbread too, so I’m probably not that picky.

All in all the meal turned out pretty well, and it was nice to be able to make it somewhat ahead of time and not be worried about last-minute cooking when our guests came. Mike rated both highly, but I can’t remember his exact rating. I’ll update this post once I get a chance to ask him. 🙂

*Edited to add: Mike rated both recipes 3.75. I was quite pleased with that rating 🙂

Turkey Chili
(printable recipe)
1 lb. ground turkey meat
1 small or ½ large onion chopped
2-3 stalks of celery chopped
2 pablano peppers chopped (I only used one because it looked pretty big)
2 cloves of garlic smashed and minced
1 teaspoon or more dried chipotle pepper (I used 1 tsp and it was still pretty spicy)
1 tablespoon chili powder or to taste
½ teaspoon ground cumin
1 packet of chili seasoning mix
Salt and pepper to taste
1 large can (12 oz.) of crushed tomatoes
1 ½ – 2 cups of chicken stock (more for “soupier” chili)
2 cans of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can of corn, drained or about 2 cups of frozen corn

Heat a large soup pot to “medium-high.” Add ground meat and a little salt and pepper (add a little oil if using all white meat). Cook, stirring and breaking up, until there are no pink spots left in meat (about 5-8 minutes). Remove meat to a bowl or platter. In the same pot add the onion, celery, pepper, garlic and a little more salt and pepper. Lower the heat to “medium” and cook until translucent (about 5 minutes). Add the meat back in. Then add the chili seasoning mix, chili powder, cumin, and the dried chipotle pepper. Stir all ingredients until blended. Add the can of crushed tomatoes and stir. Add chicken stock to desired consistency. Bring to a simmer; cook about 10 minutes, then taste. Add a few dashes of chili powder and/or salt if needed. Add the canned beans and corn. For thinner broth rinse the beans first. Cook for 5 more minutes. Serve in a bowl or mug with sour cream, cheese, and onions on top and tortilla chips on the side.

Buttermilk Cornbread(printable recipe)

1 cup flour
1 cup cornmeal
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 stick butter, melted
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk

Mix together dry ingredients in bowl. Stir in wet ingredients until lumps are gone. Bake at 375 degrees for 25-30 minutes in greased 8 or 9 inch square pan.

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  1. Super easy to make and super good (very moist!!)

  2. excellent made with ground Venison instead of Turkey, green pepper instead of pablano pepper, and no chipotle pepper.

  3. I made this chili and cornbread for my boyfriend today, and he said that it was “absolutely phenomenal!” Thanks for the recipes!

  4. Julia – So glad you liked the chili and cornbread! Thanks so much for letting me know 🙂

  5. The Chili and Cornbread recipe is top listed recipe for me. I have been noted all information from your post on my notebook.

    I will try to make this chili and cornbread recipe at my home carefully.

    Thanks for sharing your great recipe. Please continue your writing in future.
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