Homemade Peanut Butter Eggs

peanut butter eggs

Ever since I was little my favorite Easter candy has been Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. I love the peanut butter and chocolate combination, and even though I know they’re technically the same thing, the eggs seem to taste so much better than a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. I would hoard the peanut butter eggs in my Easter basket, saving them for last after I’d eaten all of the lesser candy. I haven’t bought any in awhile since I make more than enough of my own treats, but when I pass them in the grocery store I still look at them longingly. It was during one of those moments that I thought: “Hey – I could make these myself!”

I may need to work on my egg shaping and dipping skills, and it would probably help their looks if I didn’t haphazardly toss the finished eggs in a tupperware before taking pictures of them. But I promise that once you take one taste of these, you won’t care what they look like. They’re sweet and creamy with the perfect combination of peanut butter and chocolate. Mike took one bite and ran up the stairs proclaiming “I love these!” They are a fun and easy Easter treat, and dare I say I think they taste better than the peanut butter eggs of my childhood?

Homemade Peanut Butter Eggs

Peanut Butter Eggs


1 lb + 1 cup confectioner's sugar
2 sticks of butter, softened
1 1/2 cups peanut butter
1 lb melting chocolate, melted (I used chocolate discs from Michael’s)


Mix first three ingredients together well and form into egg shapes. Place in freezer and freeze until firm. Dip eggs into melted chocolate and place on waxed paper to set. You may have to re-freeze some of the eggs before dipping them if they start to get too soft.

adapted from my mom’s peanut butter balls

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  1. My husband and I both think these are the best easter candies. And they do seem to be better than regular reese's. I wonder if the recipe is subtley differnt or if its a mind game. Either way- I'm making these babies!

  2. My boyfriend and I love these, too! Way better than regular reese's. A local store sells tubs of Reese's peanut butter, and now I have a reason to buy one… or two. 🙂

  3. You are welcome to come to my house and make these any time. 🙂

  4. Oh man, I might have to try these Megan! They look so good… probably would have to make them and take them somewhere so I don't eat ALL of them. I think that the Reeses eggs are thicker than a regular PB cup… and thus of course more delicious :o)
    What is this peanut butter hot chocolate that you speak of?
    Hope you have a great week!
    Sarah (from church)

  5. Chocolate and peanut butter, I give these a big yes!

  6. These look perfect girl! I may try them for this weekend!!

  7. oh those do look PERFECT!

  8. these look great! I am gonna make a version of these this week for Easter 🙂

  9. Great idea, Megan. And they look easy to make, too!

  10. Yum! I love peanut butter eggs. It's my favorite (candy related) part of Easter 🙂

  11. Looks delicious!.. ~

  12. Looks fabulous!! I made these a couple of weeks ago (different recipe) and my family LOVED them!! YUM 🙂

  13. Reese's Eggs are my favorite!!! And I totally agree, so much better than the PB cups 🙂

  14. These look so good! (I bet they are helping in your quest to eat healthier…hehe). I've been craving the malted milk ball eggs. I love Easter!

  15. These are always some of my favorites too. Homemade has to be even better!

  16. they are so adorable! handmade makes them so very special.

  17. We are so on the same wave length…I made these this weekend as well and wrote about them today 🙂 Nothing better than a solid candy of chocolate & pb!

  18. This makes me want peanut butter so much… I love the shapes too, I think your dipping skills are fine! I'd eat them any day 🙂

  19. Reese's eggs are my favorite! I can't wait to make them at home! Thanks!

  20. Okay Megan, how did you know? You Mom-in-law just introduced Judy and I to these!!!

    And now we'll be able to get them year round, if we make them???

    Thank you! I'll eat carrots and celery in between the bites of these yummy chocolate eggs…

    Happy Easter!


  21. What a brilliant idea!!! These eggs look amazing. I used to love those peanut butter eggs when I was little. Yum!

  22. These look oh so yummy! Grumpy and I would both have a hard time resisting these!

  23. Yum, totally a stumble 😉

  24. Oh, man. You're killing me! Those look SO SO SO good!!! 🙂 I think your egg shaping looks great.

  25. wooowww reece's are my FAVORITE and these look so much better.
    i'd like these in my easter basket this year please and thanks 😉

  26. These look great! PB & chocolate is always a classic combo. Thanks for the idea – and I love that I have all of these things in my kitchen =)

  27. My two favorite flavors in these yummy chocolate treats!

  28. I made these for the nurses in the hospital. We had an early appt so I dropped them off at 9am. They were gone by 10! They all gave these a 10! Thank you Megan.

  29. Megan – I have avoided buying pb eggs this year because I have an unhealthy obsession for them once they are in my house. Let me just say that yours look BETTER! OMG

  30. Those are my fave, too!

  31. These look so good! I'm so happy I found your site! I think I need to make these next!

  32. Made these for Easter and they went over great with the extended family. I made various sizes and the small ones were my favorite because there was slightly less guilt. Skippy natural all the way. So yummy. Thank you!

  33. King-Conor – So glad you liked these! Great idea making different sizes 🙂

  34. Thanks for the recipe! I saw a special on the Food Network and the mystery is solved….Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs do taste differently than the regular PB cups. For their holiday shapes, Reese’s mixes in more sugar with the PB to help retain the shape. So, yes, they do taste better!

  35. My Grandmother gave me peanut butter eggs every Easter when I was growing up. I have been searching for a recipe so I can make them for my kids and carry on the tradition. To make it extra special, I looked online and found a company, Box and Wrap that has the cutest Easter candy boxes and candy bags. I chose the bunny shaped candy box.

  36. How many does the recipe make?

    • I’m guessing it makes about 40 eggs, but I’m sorry I don’t have a more exact number. I should have paid closer attention when I made them!

  37. Hoping to make these this Saturday for a group of people. Just wondering from everyone’s experience with this recipe, approximately how many does this make?

    • I’m guessing this makes approximately 40 eggs. I’m sorry I didn’t pay closer attention when I made them originally. You could make them smaller to get more though, and if you end up with not enough it’s really easy to mix up some extra! 🙂

  38. A bit of vanilla in the peanut butter mixture adds to the taste quite well!!

  39. Pingback: Easter Desserts – DessertedPlanet.com

  40. I think your egg shaping and dipping skills are alright by me. They sure do look delicious and that’s what counts for me, too. Happy Easter egg eating!

  41. I am definitely making these next year!!

  42. Wow these look amazing! I wish I saw sooner, I may just have to make anyways & just do a circle shape instead of an egg! Your recipes are amazing!!! 🙂

  43. Pingback: Easter Desserts - Simply Stacie

  44. I made these…they are good. They are very sweet..but that helps with portion control! 😉 Just curious though…any tricks to dipping these? I had to use more than suggested amount of chocolate chips…way more. Everytime I dipped an egg, it would come out all globbed with chocolate. LOL! Maybe I need to get more practice 🙂

  45. I finally decided to make peanut butter eggs, and I came across your recipe. They were delicious, and everyone loves them! This made about 20 small (but still very filling) eggs, thanks for the recipe 🙂

  46. Pingback: 10 Yummy Easter Desserts - Skinny Not Skinny

  47. Pingback: Easter Desserts - Baby Gizmo Blog

  48. Oo lah lah? 😉

  49. Hi Meghan 
    Can I use chocolate chips melted for this recipe? Peanut butter eggs 

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