Saturdays with Scamp: Scamp goes Swimming!

Scamp maltipoo puppy

Last weekend we took Scamp to a local state park that has a lake. Our mission was to find out if our puppy was going to be a fan of the water. Based on our tortorous bath experiences, I had a pretty good idea of what the answer would be, but I was hoping I was wrong and that Scamp would turn out to be an avid swimmer. I was not wrong, and Scamp is not a fan of the water. Of course that didn’t stop us from attempting to make him swim anyway. 🙂

Scamp’s swimming experience took him from the cute fluffy puppy you saw last week to the puppy who looks like the drowned rat you see below:

Scamp goes swimming

Let’s just say “wet” is not a good look for him. He actually got laughed at by some people sitting around the lake. Let’s take a closer look.

Scamp goes swimming

He makes me smile 🙂

And in case you’re interested, here is a little video of Scamp swimming for the first time. He looks a little frantic, doesn’t he?

In Nutro news, I’m pretty sure Scamp’s issue wasn’t the food switch after all. The trainers at Nutro have been great about trying to help me figure out the problem. Scamp tends to get very anxious when we leave him in his crate and I think it’s causing his bathroom issues while we’re gone. Also, thank you so much to those of you who commented or emailed trying to help me figure out what was going on – you guys are so helpful! 🙂

And just for fun, here is a picture of Scamp’s fluffy fur compared to his new haircut.  To be honest, I kind of miss the fluffy puppy look, but this might be the first time I’ve actually been able to see his eyes 🙂 Plus it’s nice to know that my puppy’s ears are growing at 3 times the rate of his head.


This is a sponsored post. Nutro provided me with products and promotional items and is compensating me for my time. As always, all opinions are my own.

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  1. Haha, that video is too funny!

  2. So cute, Megan! ALMOST…make me want to get a dog…at least for Selah…:)

  3. Super cute video … I think the anti-water sentiment is a small dog characteristic. I have a chihuahua who acts about as frantic every time we allow her the joy of our backyard pool.

  4. He's so cute! What type of dog is he?

  5. Your puppy is so cute! I thought I would let you know about a product I bought on Amazon that helped my Cavachon's tear stains (the brown spots under their eyes). It is called Angel Eyes and it was recommended to us by the breeder we got our dog from. Our dog looks very similar to yours, especially in color, so I would assume it would work well for him. It cleared up the tear stains in just a couple of doses. You mix it in with their food. Here is a link if you're interested-

    Thanks for sharing your cute pup with all of us!

  6. i am SQUEALING with delight from the music accompanying the doggy swimming vid 🙂

  7. The little watched it and goes,”see maa doggy can swim!” I don't think its good for other doggies coming her way in future 🙂
    Scampi is a CUTIE!! Aww, your son! Hows the potty training going? 🙂

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