Saturdays with Scamp: Scamp goes Camping

Scamp goes Camping

We went on a family camping trip with Mike’s family last weekend, and of course we took Scamp with us! (By the way, we have become that couple that treats their puppy like their child…sad but true). Scamp loves being outside, loves being surrounded by people, and especially loves all kinds of new activities, so I was sure he would love camping. And other than a few harrowing experiences, I was right!

Scamp and Mike

Good things about Camping (from Scamp’s point of view):

  1. Lots and lots of people who walk up to him and tell him how cute he is.
  2. Lots of little kids who want to play with the puppy.
  3. Lots of little kids who drop food that Scamp finds before we do.
  4. Sleeping on our sleeping bag with us instead of in his crate.
  5. Not once being left alone during the whole weekend

Bad things about camping (from Scamp’s point of view):

  1. The huge dog at the next campsite (and the many raccoons) left Scamp on high alert all weekend with little chance to relax.
  2. Rain. It stormed on our last day as we were trying to pack up the tent and Scamp got soaked. He was cold and shivering and generally unhappy about the whole situation.
  3. The boat ride. This started out innocently enough with a nice casual ride. We had Scamp up front thinking he’d love the wind in his face, and he did (video below). Then we started speeding up. 5-10 minutes at 40 mph left our puppy shaking and scared to death.
  4. The lake. Scamp gingerly explored the lake by putting the very tip of his paws in it on the first day. On the second day, however, he got so caught up in a game of fetch that he plunged wholeheartedly into the lake after a stick I had thrown. The look of surprise and panic on his face when he realized he was swimming was hilarious. The dirty, wet and cold puppy that resulted from the incident was not hilarious.

Scamp in the Water

**I haven’t given you a Nutro update in a few weeks, but Scamp is loving his food. We’ve been putting angel eyes on his food as well, to help with his tear stains, and I’m thinking he doesn’t love that quite as much as the Nutro food, but he eats it. I also discovered a stuffed turtle the Nutro people had sent for Scamp that I had forgotten about. Scamp absolutely loves that thing! It’s his favorite toy and he sleeps with it in his crate every night. Every morning after he eats his breakfast, he trots off back to the bedroom, grabs the turtle out of his crate and sprints out with the turtle in his mouth – it’s so cute! If he can’t get in his crate to get it, he stands at the door and whines and barks until someone comes and opens his crate door so he can get his turtle. 🙂

And now, the (somewhat boring) video you’ve been waiting for: Scamp takes a boat ride.


This is a sponsored post. Nutro provided me with products and promotional items and is compensating me for my time. As always, all opinions are my own.

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  1. Megan, I also use Angels Eyes for my dogs tear stains. He won't eat his food if I sprinkle it on it so I cook a sweet potato and mash it up and every day take a spoonful and mix in the Angels Eyes and he eats that fine. The powder is so bitter it's unbelievable. But, it works great.

    • Thanks for the suggestion Cheryl! I stopped putting it on his food and now he gobbles his food right down. I started mixing the angel eyes with a little peanut butter and he seems to like that a whole lot better. 🙂

  2. Scamp, you are so cute! Don't let it go to your head.

  3. I can't get enough of your cute dog!!

  4. Awww! How cute! Scamp has quite the personality!

  5. Too cute! We have a chocolate lab who absolutely loves the water 🙂 I wish I was more of a camper…he would love it!

  6. The turtle might be a good reward for him going in his crate if he loves it so much. You could only give it to him when he is in there and that might help him start to be more comfortable in there when you are gone.

  7. It looks like, all in all, scamp had a good time. We’re going camping this weekend; no dog, but three kids, which is just as entertaining. 🙂
    btw…. LOVE the new look! You put a great look together!

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