
1. When a recipe calls for “fresh lemon juice”, approximately 50% of the time I use the bottled stuff in the little lemon bottle that will live in my refrigerator forever. I can’t be the only one, right?

2. Last Tuesday I had a well thought out meal planned for dinner that included a healthy side dish of roasted cauliflower. I posted about it on Facebook. Then, when I got home, I proceeded to lose all motivation and we ended up eating cheesy toast with leftover pizza sauce. Thank you to all of the wonderful people on Facebook who made me feel better about my laziness.

3. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I spent all my Amazon gift cards on a puppy carrierΒ for Scamp. Yes, that is what you think it is – a little purse/bag type thing that will allow me to carry Scamp around everywhere I go. (This is the exact one). I’m pretty sure I can feel Mike rolling his eyes from across the room right now.

4. In further Scamp news, one day a few weeks ago my dear husband denied owning Scamp. When we have to get gas and Scamp is in the car, Mike always picks Scamp up and carries him around while he pumps the gas (see? I’m not the only crazy one). Another guy happened to see him and commented something along the lines of “nice dog.” To which Mike then replied “he’s not mine.” Which, of course, makes absolutely no sense at all.

5. Β This fifth confession is actually a serious one. I’ve kept it off the blog for awhile, but I wanted to let you know that we are in the process of adopting! It is pretty exciting, but it has been a (very) long wait so far. If you’re interested, you can read our online profile here. And please, feel free to pass our information along to anyone who may be interested!

*Amazon Links are Afilliates
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  1. Oh wow, good luck with the adoption process, I know that can be a long road. So exciting, though!!

  2. I use bottled lemon juice sometimes too – it’s no problem! Also, all the best in adopting. I hear it can be quite a crazy process sometimes!

  3. Wow! Congratulations Megan πŸ™‚ I have a very dear friend who is my adoption guru- I’ll have to connect you two. So excited for you!

  4. Despite the lemon juice confession πŸ˜‰ I’m so EXCITED for your adoption journey!! Can’t wait to follow your journey to motherhood. Congratulations!!

  5. I love this, Megan! Congratulations!!

  6. I know Liz wouldn’t let the lemon juice confession slide, lol. (I’m totally with you though, but I’m trying to be better…) Can’t wait to hear more about the adoption process. Will be praying that God sends your child your way soon, I know the waiting must be so hard.

  7. GOD BLESS in your process of adoption.

  8. What a fun post, Megan! Congratulations on beginning the adoption process. I will keep you in my prayers. How exciting!

  9. I too admit to using bottled lemon juice. lol Your adoption news is so exciting. You will be in my prayers and I know in my heart that the child that joins your family will be as special as you and Mike are.

  10. Thank yo for sharing this information with us, and know that you are being prayed for as you wait. Whom ever God chooses for you, everyone will be blessed. I am glad to know that I am not the only lemon juice cheater out there, and I have spent way too much money on wonderful things for my dogs. I enjoy your blog and make many of your recipes.

  11. Loved this post!!! And, yes, I totally use the lemon juice from the fridge. And yay for adoption news! How exciting!

  12. Blessings to you as you go through the adoption process! How exciting!

  13. Thinking of you and praying for you both as you go through the adoption process!

  14. Congratulations with the adoption! We have friends who just adopted 2 little girls – good luck with everything, I hope you hear something soon!!

  15. Hi Megan – I’m a long time follower but not so faithful commenter. I loved the confessions, and am excited for you about the adoption. I live in Allendale and have 2 sisters who also adopted through Bethany, 3 nieces in all! Adoption is a blessing and I’m excited for you and Mike!

  16. I rarely comment, but follow your blog via email. I loved the confessions and good luck with the adoption process! That is so awesome! (And it’s perfectly acceptable to spend large sums of money on doggy accessories πŸ˜‰ )

  17. I don’t know you personally but a) I always use bottled lemon juice in recipes, unless it’s on top of something or requires more of the lemon (like the rind or half the fruit inside a chicken, for instance), and b) If I needed to give up a child, I would definitely choose you and Mike. Your story is awesome, and your faith is inspiring. Best wishes for your adoption process; I feel like there are so many couples in your position.

  18. Well — how exciting, Megan! Of course I’m referring to #5. Not realizing that #1 is true for someone other than myself πŸ™‚

    Praying for you and the kiddo(s) God has for you.

  19. What a beautiful and well written letter! May God bless you in this journey through all of it’s up and downs and may you come home with a beautiful baby!

  20. Your profile is fantastic Megan!

  21. Best wishes in your adoption journey!!

  22. Congratulations on adopting!! And Scamp is just precious!

  23. Wishing you two all the best with your adoption process – I know you’ll be wonderful parents!! We have amazing friends who have gone through the process twice now and have the sweetest little family – I know they’d be happy to chat with you sometime if you ever needed any advice.

  24. scamp is too cute for words! And congrats on beginning the adoption process sweet Megan! I am so happy for you both. πŸ™‚

  25. megan, i don’t know you personally aside from following your blog but i’ll be praying for you in this process. i’m sure you two will be awesome parents. adoption is such a special thing and though it can be difficult, i am certain that God has everything perfectly planned out!

    p.s. i almost always use bottled lemon/lime juice. unless the recipe calls for zest, haha. πŸ™‚

    • Thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words. And I know you are so right about God having it planned out – definitely a reminder I need to hear often. πŸ™‚

  26. Congrats and best of luck with the adoption process! πŸ™‚

  27. I am totally cracking up at your husband denying that Scamp was his, that’s hilarious! Best of luck with the adoption process πŸ™‚

  28. we have dear friends just entering the process with bethany, and based on the journey we’ve been walking with them for the past two years, this is such a grief-joy roller coaster. praying you have people in your life loving you through your roller coaster as the Lord brings your family together through bethany’s awesome resources.

  29. p.s. my friend and her twin blog here ( with some yummy recipes and pretty pictures. but they’re also telling their adoption story (they were adopted as infants), and they grew up in michigan. thought all those factors (food, adoption, michigan) all in one place might be a fun read for you to follow.

  30. Congratulations on the adoption news! So exciting! I have to say, I noticed some of the baby-themed pins as of late, and wondered if I had missed something πŸ™‚ Praying for a speedy and easy process!

  31. Congratulations on adopting! That is so exciting! And your dog is super cute!

  32. Hi! I just came across your site and am glad I did. Best of luck on your upcoming adoption! I wish you all so much happiness. πŸ™‚ Nicole

  33. Hi Megan! I’ve been a follower of your blog for awhile now, but don’t post many comments…however, this one I felt compelled to – congrats on initiating [and perservering through] the adoption process!!! I’ll be sending a prayer up for you and your husband, that in God’s timing and awesome goodness you will soon have a lil’ one of your own!! πŸ™‚

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