Easter Egg Cupcakes

Easter Egg Cupcakes

I’ve got a cute little Easter cupcake idea for you today! Best of all, these are super easy to decorate and you don’t need any prior decorating experience. Β I love how this simple idea dresses up any cupcake and makes it perfect for Easter. All you need is a decorating bag, a 233 Wilton tip (I bought mine at Michael’s), some green buttercream icing, and some little Easter egg candies.

To decorate, place the tip in the icing bag and fill with the green icing. Β To pipe the grass, just squeeze the icing out gently, lifting slowly until your grass is as long as you want it. Then, stop squeezing and pull the bag away. Do this all around the top of the cupcake, going back to fill in any bare spots. Then place a few candy eggs on top and you’re done! Easy and cute. Good luck! πŸ™‚

p.s. If you’re looking for more Easter cupcake ideas, check out these Easter Bunny Cupcakes I posted last year!

p.p.s. If you’re looking for cupcake recipes, check out my cake and cupcake recipe category.

Easter Egg Cupcakes

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  1. these are so perfect, megan! great job πŸ™‚

  2. Your cupcakes are adorable. I’ve never been daring enough (or patient enough) to pipe grass onto cupcakes! I’ll have to try it some time, because it really makes the cupcakes extra special.

  3. Very cute Megan! Hope things have been going well for you. πŸ™‚

  4. Megan, these are SO cute! I love the grass frosting πŸ™‚ Happy Easter!

  5. Your cupcakes are adorable! I’m horrible at anything that involves frosting/icing. You make this sound easy, though!

  6. So festive and so simple πŸ™‚ love this!

  7. Pingback: Easter Egg Cupcakes - fancy-edibles.com

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