A small announcement

I have a confession. I have been keeping something from all of you.


That’s right – we have a BABY!! It wasn’t too long ago that I wrote about our plans to adopt and how long we had waited. Well, just a few short months later God brought us the most perfect little baby boy. πŸ™‚


I’m so happy to introduce you to Isaac, nicknamed Zeke. He was born on 2/23, weighing 7lb, 5 oz. Believe it or not, he is now 8 weeks old! I felt so bad keeping this a secret from all of you, but we wanted to be extra careful not to make things too public while we were still in the legal risk period.


I know a few of you noticed that the blog dropped off a little, and posting became a little sporadic, and thank you so much for your kind emails! We actually only had two weeks between when we found out about Zeke and when we brought him home, so things were a little frantic there for awhile! I’m finally now starting to feel a little more in control, so hopefully the blog will stop being so neglected. πŸ™‚


Seriously, we are beyond happy, and so thankful that God had the perfect baby planned for us! I know I’m probably leaving out a ton of information, so feel free to ask any questions in the comments. Also, if anyone has any questions about adoption or just wants to chat about it, feel free to email me! (whatmegansmaking[at]gmail[dot]com)

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post and care about our lives. Next week it’s back to food, but in the meantime I’ll leave you with one last picture, just because he’s so ridiculously cute! πŸ™‚

p.s. It was a bit of an adjustment, but now Scamp loves his little brother!



If you’re interested in reading the posts about our other kids, you can find them here:
Levi |Β LandenΒ |Β Emma
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  1. Congrats!!!! Zeke is adorable. Blessings on your adjustment to a family of 3!

  2. Congratulations. Children are a blessing from God and truly you both have been blessed. What a handsome little guy. May you have much joy in loving him and caring for him. God bless you all.

  3. Congratulations on your precious bundle of love and joy. Very proud for you. Zeke is absolutely adorable. Enjoy every minute you have with him. God Bless You and your family.

  4. I am SO SO SO excited and happy for you! Congratulations on your sweet little bundle of joy! He is absolutely precious.

  5. What wonderful, wonderful news. He’s absolutely gorgeous. Congrats.

  6. Congratulations on your blessing. Your baby is beautiful. I am sure you will feed him well πŸ™‚

  7. Megan!!!! I’m so happy for you and Mike. I had no idea you were adopting and then saw it on facebook. I think of you often and sometimes make your recipes πŸ™‚ Hope you guys enjoy life with a little one. It’s wonderful.



  8. AHHH! Congrats, Megan!!!

  9. He is so adorable – I am smiling ear to ear with joy for you and your family! Congratulations!!!

  10. Congrats! I love the baby feet! So stinkin cute ;(

  11. Congrats again! He is so perfect and adorable! Can’t wait to meet him in person. πŸ™‚

  12. Congrats!! From one Michigan adoptive mama to another — blessings!!

  13. Megan, congratulations! He is just beautiful! I pray God’s richest blessings for you. They are a gift from God!

  14. He is so beautiful! Extremely happy for you!

  15. Wonderful news!! Congrats:)

  16. Pastor made it sound like there was another step at church Wed. Glad that things are done. He is a beautiful baby and I am happy for him, and for you and Mike too! Scamp looks like he is adjusting very well

  17. Oh my! So so so sweet! Swoon! Congrats, Megan!!!!

  18. Congratulations! I have 2 adopted boys and I know what a blessing they are. And I’m so glad you get to experience the baby phase.

  19. You are so blessed and he is so beautiful! May the three of you have nothing but great days ahead!

  20. So very happy for you! He is totally adorable.

  21. Congratulations!!! He is a cutie!

  22. Awww congrats, he is beautiful!

  23. I love following your blog and trying your recipes. And now I love seeing adorable pics of your beautiful little boy. Blessings and congratulations!

  24. Congrats!! Your son is so precious, I hope you will be posting more pics of him and your new family πŸ™‚

  25. My congratulations to all of you. Indeed an adorable little boy. This last little picture of Zeke and Scamp is endearing. Xo

  26. Thrilled for you! When your blogging became a little sporadic, I just knew you were getting a baby! Yes! Yes! Yes! God is GOOD!

  27. Congratulations Megan! He is precious!

  28. Congrats on the arrival of your beautiful little boy!!! He is so precious. Keep posting pics of the family!

  29. Congratulations. He is perfect.

  30. What a glorious piece of news! Congratulations! He is beautiful! I wish you all a lifetime of happiness together. XOXO

  31. Megan! He is so beautiful! Congratulations and enjoy your sweet little boy πŸ™‚

  32. Congratulations, Megan! I am so happy for you! Ever since meeting you at Taste of Michigan, I have been hoping to see this happy news on your blog. Zeke is so precious; what a gorgeous baby! Thanks be to God for bringing him into your lives and for giving him two loving parents. I wish all three of you God’s richest blessings!

  33. wow!!! congratulations! that’s amazing you were able to keep the secret for so long!! i would be about to burst. he’s perfect and adorable. i’m so happy for you and your family!! xoxo

  34. Oh Megan! Congratulations on your new baby. My husband and I just adopted our baby a couple weeks ago! You have a handsome little man!

  35. Oh my goodness, Megan, this is incredible! I don’t know how you kept it a secret for so long. He is amazingly precious. I am so happy for you!

  36. Congratulations! What a little cutie! So happy for you all!

  37. Congratulations!! He is adorable!

  38. Oh my word – I’m so happy for you! Congratulations – he’s just gorgeous!

  39. He is so cute! What a blessing!

  40. congratulations!!! that’s so exciting!

  41. That is one cute little man! Better start practicing keeping the ladies at bay! πŸ™‚ Congratulations on your little blessing!!

  42. Oh Megan…he is so precious and adorable! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

  43. Congratulations!! Zeke is so adorable – have a fabulous time getting to know your awesome little bundle. I couldn’t be happier for your family!!

  44. This just made my night!!!!! Congratulations — what a precious gift.

  45. Megan! Ahh I can’t wait to meet that cutey patootey! And I so wanted to bring you a meal and now it’s 2months already. I feel like a shmuck. Maybe we can still make it work. He is beautiful. God Bless! Sheila

  46. Congratulations! He is gorgeous! Enjoy!

  47. What a beautiful baby boy! God is is so good πŸ™‚ – very happy for you and Mike!

  48. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I always read your posts hoping for an update about this- so so happy to hear the wonderful news! your son is just perfect πŸ™‚

  49. Congratulations! What an adorable little one.

  50. Megan, Congratulations!!! Zeke is a beautiful baby. Many blessings for and your husband. I’m so happy for you!

  51. Congratulations! May God bless you and little Zeke!! So happy for you!

  52. Oh Megan!!! I am SO happy for you! He is perfect and beautiful!
    God Bless you!

  53. OMG Megan, congrats! So happy for you! I was just thinking of you and your adoption. So glad things have worked out.

  54. Congratulations Megan, and best wishes to you and your family!

  55. congratulations!! such exciting news! God is so good!

  56. Love! Congrats!

  57. Congratulations! He just looks absolutely perfect πŸ™‚

  58. That is so amazing! God is so great! My husband and I just found out we’re expecting! Looking at your pictures makes me even more excited!

  59. Congratulations! What a beautiful little boy and so lucky to have such loving parents! Get some sleep πŸ™‚

  60. I have been wondering how the adoption was going. Now we all know. It went just fine and dandy. You are good at keeping secrets for sure. As others have stated, he is precious. So glad you were BLESSED with this cutie pie.

    Don’t worry about your blogging. Enjoy every moment you get with this darling. He will be grown up before you know it. Blogging will be there but you will miss lots of little cute things if you don’t keep a watch on him.

    GOD BLESS the three of you!!!

  61. Blessings to you and your family! Totally understand if your postings continue to slow down, it’s soooooo worth it! Enjoy your precious time with Baby Zeke (I have 4 and youngest 1 is Issach), they grow up soo very fast! Just cherish your time with him and your husband. Take copious amount of pictures and vids, every month is good.
    Thank you for sharing.

  62. Congrats Megan! Zeke is adorable….so cuuute..:)

  63. Congratulations! He is precious- a beautiful blessing from God! I will be praying for you and your family during this adjustment phase. What an incredible adventure! PS made the snickerdoodle bars=fabulous!

  64. Congratulations!! He is absolutely adorable!

  65. This was a lovely post to read, congratulations!

  66. Congratulations to you and Mike!!! He is a beautiful baby! God Bless your little family!!! XOXOXO

  67. What a handsome lad is Zeke, your beautiful baby boy. Sincere congratulations!

  68. Congratulations Megan! So happy for you both!

  69. Aww Megan, I am so happy for you guys! God bless the three of you!

  70. Awwww, congratulations!!! Wonderful news! Very happy for you!!

  71. Congratulations! Wonderful post to read. My very best wishes to you and your husband.

  72. Absolutely adorable and such a blessing! Congrats Megan!!

  73. Oh my goodness, Megan!! Congratulations! He is such a sweetie!

  74. Congratulations!! LOVE the picture of him and Scamp!! Absolutely adorable!!

  75. Megan- Your beautiful baby boy looks so precious!! Congratulations, and I am so happy your prayers were answered!

  76. God bless your precious family, Megan
    After the sadness we all felt this last week, I checked your site and found the most inspiring news. God is truly good and in charge. Zeke is a blessed baby.

  77. Congratulations! What a blessing and a joy! He is absolutely perfect!

  78. Congratulations!!

  79. Oh my gosh. He is PERFECT! Congratulations!

  80. Congratulations! He’s adorable. Enjoy all his stages as they grow so fast!

  81. Congrats!!! He is such a cutie! So happy for you guys, what a wonderful blessing!

  82. WOW!!! Congrats to your new family!!!!!!

  83. Omg!! I did notice the lack of posts but I am sooo happy for you. He’s adorable, enjoy!!

  84. An angel! Bless his birth mother for being brave and loving enough to give him up for adoption, and bless you and hubby for opening up your arms wide to him. Such wonderful, wonderful news!

  85. Congratulations! He is beautiful! Parenthood is a joy and I’m glad you’ll be able to enjoy it!

  86. Congratulations! I’m so very happy for you! And that picture of little Zeke with the pacifier is so, so precious! So glad for God’s wonderful little blessing. Well, BIG blessing, but in small packaging πŸ˜‰

  87. Aww, he is precious!!! Congratulations to all of you on the new arrival πŸ™‚

  88. OMG he’s gorgeous. Congratulations, I’m so happy for your family πŸ™‚

  89. Wow, congrats!!! Wishing you and your family lots of blessings with your little one!! πŸ™‚

  90. Congratulations!!! He’s beautiful!! Enjoy this time πŸ™‚

  91. I’m so happy for you! Congratulations on your beautiful new little one.

  92. Congratulations to both of you! Zeke is absolutely cute and adorable. He surely will be proud to have such amazing parents πŸ™‚

  93. Zeke is so adorable and sweet little baby. Congrats!

  94. oh he’s so cute! Congratulations on your gorgeous little boy! The last photo is totally adorable, how lucky you both are! x

  95. Awww congratulations, he’s absolutely adorable!! So happy for your family πŸ™‚

  96. Congratulations!!! He is adorable!!!!

  97. Congratulations!!! I’m so excited for you all! He is absolutely precious!!

  98. I came across your blog a few months ago when I was searching for a yummy dessert recipe. I decided to save your blog and have checked on it here and there and am so thrilled about coming back today and reading your amazing, spectacular news! My cousin and his wife adopted a handsome little boy 3 years ago and your announcement brought with it all the rush of joy and excitement I felt for my cousin as I do now for you! Love and blessings to you and your beautiful family….ALWAYS!!!!

  99. OH my gosh that is so exciting!! Congrats to you and your family.He is beautiful.

  100. Congratulations to both you and your husband! I had a feeling that something wonderful was happening for you. What a blessing your you both and him..remember it is a balance…time goes fast so breathe!

  101. Megan!!! I saw the title of this email a few days ago and just had a change to read it and I was hoping secretly it had something to do with an adoption when I read the title. I am so happy for your family!!! God has truly blessed you both with a beautiful baby boy, and I have been praying and hoping along with you that God would fulfill your heart’s desire. Blessings!!

  102. OMG!!! What amazing news! Congrats!! He’s such a cutie and omg that dog is HUUUGE!! lol

  103. Congratulations to you and your husband. Zeke is beautiful!! And Scamp looks happy too and he looks just like my little Simon and I want to know how you keep his eyes so white or does he not “tear” with allergies! I just know that Scamp and Zeke are going to be great friends and have so so much fun together and that means fun for you too!!!

  104. Praising the Lord with you! So thankful for the wonderful blessing of Zeke to your family!

  105. So very happy for you – congratulations and many, many blessed years as a family!

  106. congratulations! That’s a wonderful gift for all three of you! God bless you all

  107. A huge congratulations! I am so thrilled for you. Children are an amazing gift πŸ™‚ Best of luck to you and your gorgeous family!!

  108. Pingback: S’Mores Whoopie Pies | The Texan New Yorker

  109. CONGRATS! So happy for you!

  110. What a beautiful blessing from God. I have waited to hear this news for a long time. How fortunate Zeke is to have such loving parents.

  111. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I can’t believe I’m just now seeing this. I’m so happy for you! He is absolutely adorable. My youngest had the same monkey sleeper.:D

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