Welcome, Levi!


I have owed you our Levi story for so long now, and I’m so sorry it took me so long to get it posted! I kept waiting for everything to be official, and then it was Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and now finally that life has calmed down a little I can sit down and write this most important post. 🙂


I don’t know if I ever mentioned it on the blog, but when Zeke turned one, we started the process of trying to adopt for a second time. We waited for over a year and were starting to get a little frustrated, and then all of a sudden we got the call! I had actually just been talking to a friend about how disappointed I was and how I thought our profile book (that birthparents see) may need to be updated. That very night, around 9:00, our caseworker called. I was actually in the hallway outside Zeke’s room, trying desperately to keep him from climbing out of bed and to get him to go to sleep already (thankfully we are past this stage now!), and was forced to half whisper as I tried to comprehend what our case worker was saying. He said, essentially, that a baby had been born that morning and the birthmother chose us, and could we please come to Detroit the next day to meet her and the baby. WHAT??? I was in shock. Zeke’s bedtime was promptly abandoned (much to his delight), and we started making frantic plans to get a baby-sitter, find our infant car seat, pack to make the trek across the state, etc. It was crazy!



The next morning was when we met Levi. He was in the nicu because of some eating problems, but was doing well. We got a hotel room and spent as much time as we could sitting with Levi, holding him and talking to him. Birthmom had been discharged, so it was just us and the nurses. After a few days we finally got to take him home, and Zeke got to meet his new baby brother!



I was a little worried because we weren’t able to prepare Zeke at all – he got sent off to grandma and grandpa’s house, and when he came home he had a little brother. Surprisingly though, he adapted very well. He loved Levi from the start, which was an answer to prayer.




Because of the county where Levi was born, it took a little extra time to finalize everything, which is why I didn’t share any details on the blog earlier. But now Levi is officially ours and we couldn’t be happier. He is almost 8 months old, crawling everywhere, pulling himself up to stand on everything, and stealing Zeke’s toys like it’s his job. It’s a little crazy around here, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂 Now we can’t imagine life without Levi, and we are all so thankful that God made him part of our family!



If you’re interested in reading the posts about our other kids, you can find them here:
Zeke | Landen | Emma
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  1. Love love love this. And Levi. And Zeke. And you and Mike! 

  2. Congratulations Mike and Megan for being patient and allowing the Lord to work out all the details and bring Levi into your home.  I know that you all  will be blessed and  Zeke and Levi will have great parents. You all look to be so happy.  Lori and I are so happy for you.

  3. I had so much fun hearing these details again 😉 God’s timing is always perfect.  Love you guys! 

  4. Congratulations!!! Two very blessed little boys. You have a beautiful family!

  5. I’m so happy for all of you lots of happiness and luck with your family!!

  6. Congratulations!  You have a nice looking family!  Pictures of the boys are priceless!

  7. As a bio and adoptive mom, all my kids bring me so much joy. But yes, waiting until it’s official is best. Congrats!

  8. Congratulations to all of you! I am so happy for you
    Michele (Mike’s colleague in Paris). We met once in Strasbourg

  9. Super huge congratulations! Babies are such a blessing 🙂

  10. This is beyond fantastic! Congratulations to all four of you!!

  11. Congratulations, Megan! What a beautiful story. Zeke looks like he’s taken to big brotherhood very well. I love your site … if I could read only one food / recipe blog … and let’s face it, I only have so much time … it’s my pick! 🙂

  12. aww – he’s beautiful! and i love the names – Zeke and Levi! what a sweet family God has blessed you and Mike with! Please tell him how happy I am for you both 🙂 

  13. Congratulations! I have a Zeke and a Levi too! Also an Ezra and Solomon, maybe God has two more in store for you!

  14. Congratulations on your new baby boy! He is beautiful, along with Zeke! Such cute names, too!

  15. Levi and his little brother are adorable – congratulations to all!

  16. My apologies – the names are mixed up – Zeke and his little brother!

  17. Crying tears of joy for your family, Megan! May the Lord continue to shine His love through your precious family! Love and miss you. 🙂

  18. WOW! God is amazing what an incredible story! Congrat’s to you and yours!! Love your couraged!! May God richly bless you MEgan and your family!

  19. Makes me smile!  Such joy.  It’s so hard in the waiting, but God knows your family and knew these two before they were even born.  It’s so cool to walk in faith and experience God’s goodness.  Congrats, Megan.  

  20. What a wonderful answer to prayer!  Thanks for sharing the story with the pictures.  I can’t wait to meet him!  He is so precious!   

  21. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful, heartwarming story. Thank you for sharing. I’m sitting here with a big ole goofy grin., looking at your lovely family. God Bless you all. 

  22. A www, I just loved your story. Both boys look so happy and content. They have been adopted into a beautiful family. I am so happy for you. What a blessing! 

  23. What a beautiful story, well worth waiting for, and what a beautiful way to build a family.
    You have to fine young boys that will grow up to be handsome young men with the same capacity to love that you and your husband have demonstrated. God bless the four of you.

  24. Congratulations! He is beautiful – actually they both are! I love both names.

  25. Precious! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family!

  26. Love to hear this story, and love those precious kids. Thanks so very much for sharing? My friend!

  27. Your story warmed my heart and put a smile on my face. Beautiful babies for a beautiful couple. God’s blessing on your family

  28. Aww touching! He’s in a great home with you guys. Wishing you all the best! Thank goodness for people like you 🙂 He is absolutely precious!!

  29. Congratulations and best wishes to you and your beautiful family Megan. May you always be happy.

  30. beautiful!!! so exciting!

  31. congrats! love this story! levi is so cute! glad zeke adapted well 🙂

  32. What a beautiful family you all make!! Thanks for sharing your story. 🙂

  33. So much joy!!! Congratulations:) 

  34. They are so adorable!  I love all of the pictures and that I got to experience this first hand 🙂

  35. megan!! this is so wonderful. i am thrilled for you and your gorgeous family!! xoxo

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