Beef Tortellini Soup and Irish Brown Bread

I definitely don’t use my slow cooker often enough. And each time I do, I’m reminded of just what a wonderful convenience it is to come home from work and have dinner completely ready. This past week I made beef stew with tortellini from the Betty Crocker website. Combined with a really quick irish brown bread recipe from katie, this was a wonderful meal with very little work. And plenty of leftovers.


The soup is just a basic beef stew recipe without potatoes, and with the addition of tortellini. I never realized how good tortellini would taste in soup – I’m planning on adding it to other soups in the future. Mike loved it and rated it a 3.75. And the leftovers were just as good.


The bread recipe was wonderful as well, and was a last minute addition to the meal. I had a little bit of extra time and Katie had just sent me this recipe, telling me how easy and good it was, so I thought I’d give it a shot. It’s really good! And quite healthy I think too. You just mix all the ingredients together, form it into 2 round loaves and bake. It was nice and hearty, and slightly sweet from the honey. We ate it with butter and a little bit of honey, or just dipped in the soup and it was great either way.

Beef Tortellini Stew Recipe
Irish Brown Bread Recipe
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  1. “I definitely don’t use my slow cooker often enough. And each time I do, I’m reminded of just what a wonderful convenience it is to come home from work and have dinner completely ready.”

    you know what else is nice? coming home from work and having global warming completely ready, next time you can probably save yourself some time by filling your Hummmer with hairspray and drag racing downtown.

  2. holy crap- what climbed up annonymous’ ass and died?

    i doubt they use any more electricity than leaving a light on while you’re at work, which i do sometimes. im single handedly ruining the planet, apparently.

    Kelly Turner

  3. “having global warming completely ready” really cracked me up.

    i love my slow cooker. paul, not so much.

    anyway, the kids and i made the whole wheat bread today. great for sandwiches. we love it. strangest combination of ingredients though!

    we’ve got plans for those chocolate chip bars soon. wow, do those look good.

    thanks for the recipes! hope you are well:)

  4. You’re making all these tempting foods at time of year? It’s like the movie Chocolat all over again.

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