White Hot Chocolate
If you’re looking for dessert in drink form, look no further. This is an ultra-sweet ultra-delicious white hot chocolate. It’s actually very simple to make – I found it when I was looking online for a recipe that I could make with ingredients I had on hand. Most recipes I found included heavy cream, which I’m sure is delicious and thick and wonderful. But I didn’t have any. And the thought of splitting 3 cups of cream (not to mention the white chocolate) between 4 people as the recipes suggested seemed like a bit much. So I used skim milk. Nothing like trying to lighten up a decadent drink. The end result wasn’t incredibly thick, but it sure did taste great. Almost too sweet, and if you know me, that’s not something I say often. I couldn’t even drink a whole glass of this, but what I did have was amazing. So my advice to you is to make this. It will turn a cold snowy evening into something wonderful. But serve small portions.

White Hot Chocolate
1 1/2 cups milk
a little less than 1/2 cup chopped white chocolate *(the better quality chocolate, the better the drink will be. I used cheap white chocolate chips and it was still good)
1 tsp vanilla
Heat milk over medium heat, stirring to prevent burning. Place the rest of the ingredients in a blender. When the milk is hot, pour it in the blender and mix until smooth and frothy. Serves 3, depending on portion sizes.
adapted from various internet recipes
Oh my. I have became addicted to white chocolate ever since I made cookies with them. Now white hot chocolate. Definetly have to try some.
Merry Christmas!!!!
oooh what a great treat in a glass!
Looks delicious and I also love the gingerbread pancakes!!! Thanks for visiting my blog!
butterfly just used the word i was gona mention..really it is yummilicious!!! i love white chocolate and this sounds perfect for tonite…
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog. I had to come check out your site. I love the oatmeal creme pie recipe. I will have to make this. You have a great blog!
I've never thought of making white hot chocolate before, but this sounds good! I just bought a few bars of white chocolate because I thought I'd make some peppermint bark, but I never did, so I'll make this instead. 🙂
Oh goodness, I have a serious weakness for this stuff (made with vegan white chocolate, of course.) It's especially good with a tiny drop of peppermint extract, too!
Hannah – Great idea with the peppermint extract! Yum – I wish I had more white chocolate in the house!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. This sounds yummy, my husband would love it.
Lisa @ joyincooking.blogspot.com
This sounds really delicious! I totally want to give it a go. Thank you for the idea
I've never had hot chocolate using white chocolate. It sounds wonderful!!
What a wonderful treat to enjoy on a cold night. Very nice.
see, now i could drink gallons of this and enjoy every drop. my pants would quickly explode, but hey–i can buy new pants. 🙂